The YesTribe is a community turning ideas into action, whether that be encouraging adventurous thinking, finding (or creating) work we love, getting involved in charities or simply designing a lifestyle that fits perfectly with our individual personalities and needs.

We're going to be regularly sharing YesTribe stories and here's our latest bunch of brilliant and inspiring YesTribe stories of those who are making life more memorable.

Do you want to feature? No idea is too small, journey too short, we welcome all stories old and new - share yours at SayYesMore.


Chaz Powell - The Wildest Journey: walking the length of the Zambezi River

Chaz is currently attempting to walk the Length of the Zambezi river. He's expecting it to take 6 months and is currently 400 miles and 1 month along. 

It is a solo and unaided walk, starting at the source of the river in the Kalene Hills in North Western Zambia, then following the River for 1599 miles through Angola, Zambia and Mozambique, until eventually reaching the Indian Ocean.

Chaz says 'My reasons for wanting to walk the Zambezi is because I'm a passionate adventurer and want to challenge myself in the wildest of environment's.'

You can follow Chaz and send some support and encouragement on his Facebook and Website, or donate to the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation here.


Olivia Rutherford - Walked the Camino de Santiago


This Summer 2016 Olivia Rutherford walked the Camino de Santiago, a 500 mile stretch across Spain from St Jean Pied de Port in the French Pyrenees to Santiago in North West Spain.

Olivia says 'it was the most incredible experience and having just finished my A-levels it was a great adventure for me.' 

Amazing stuff! Read more about Olivia's experience and get in touch here.


Wolfgang Haak: Sea Kayaking the Swedish Archipelago

Wolfgang is heading off on Sunday to the Swedish Archipelago (1000s of small, uninhabited islands dotted around clear, tranquil waters) for a sea kayaking adventure for 7-10 days! 

Have a great trip!


Aaron Mitchell - Attempting to ride solo round the world on motorbike

In 2014, Aaron embarked on his first motorcycle adventure around Western Europe, which inspired his current adventure where he is attempting to ride solo around the world, unsupported. He is currently in California and hopes to complete his trip in 2017.

Aaron is raising money for the Royal Bristol Legion. 

You can find out more and follow Aaron's progress through his websiteFacebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.



Have you been inspired by any of these stories? Do you have your own to share? We’d love to hear about it. The YesTribe is a community that is free to anyone who is looking to make life less restricted, more enjoyable, more interesting and more memorable. Your story doesn’t need to be an endurance adventure, many of the YesTribe are making films, raising money for good causes and developing the community. 

We’d love to hear from you, share your stories here at Say Yes More or join the Yes Tribe Facebook group to connect with fellow YesTribers. 

Make life memorable, Say Yes More!
