The YesTribe Family at a Glance
After starting in London in June 2015, YesTribes have been sprouting up all around the globe.
This is where you can see at a glance whether there’s a tribe near you. And if there isn’t, here’s how you can set one up!
Our Online Channels
Facebook Pages
The Central YesTribe Group
This is the main umbrella for our YesTribe online community on Facebook. It’s a central forum where we share events, opportunities and ideas, to ask questions and advice or offer inspiration.
London | Hertfordshire | Hampshire | Somerset & Gloucestershire | South East | West Midlands | East Midlands | Berks, Ox & Bucks (BOB) | Dorset | North West | Yorkshire | North East | East of England | Devon & Cornwall | Wiltshire
Rest of the UK
Scotland | North Wales | South & West Wales | Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland | Italia | Denmark | Netherlands | France | Germany | Belgium | Norway | Spain
North America
USA | SayYesMore Rochester | Canada
New Zealand | Australia | Sydney | Melbourne
Groups for Hobbies and Causes
These groups on Facebook have grown through particular events or projects run centrally through SayYesMore