Yestival Scotland — SayYesMore

The SayYesMore Spirit is rooted and growing in St. Andrews and Scotland, and this has required an incredible amount of networking and organisation.

Yestival Scotland was a wonderful success, it launched the YesTribe here in St. Andrews and sparked a whole lotta interest ("Is this kinda like the film Yes Man?") The day went down well, we set up the stalls in a local park area that had a lovely field with plenty of space. The stalls had mini workshops running all day and spanned from vegan baking, up-cycling, sustainability group discussions, live music and obviously delicious food! 

We then had slack-lines up through the trees, a huge painting board for people to get creative and loads of ball games going. Unfortunately the afternoon brought with it a bit of Scottish drizzle, which scared off a few of the numbers but the people with the spirit carried on regardless! We had a fabulous slip and slide set up on a slope and ended off the day with a wonderful Ceilidh in the rain - dancing and singing away. Afterwards we had a large discussion group of what saying yes to new things meant to everyone, and how they wanted to see themselves grow in the future! So so so uplifting. 

This spirit has carried on with our small team and we attended the Freshers Fayre in which 300+ people signed up for our weekly e-mail that we plan to send off tomorrow! In this e-mail we have promoted joining the YesTribe on Facebook, and highlighted a few crazy spontaneous groups within St. Andrews to get involved in (Weekly North Sea swims and cliff jumps, micro-adventure camping!) 

We will be hosting our EGM next week and our first ever YesStories the week after in which Ged is hopefully coming down from Glasgow and we will have a few professors from within the university who have jumped on board with this idea. 

So all in all, a great start! 

Written by Alexandrina Fleming, St Andrews University

