Boom! You’re a Tribe Leader! Bet you never thought that would be on your CV, right? (Seriously, if you ever need a reference, just ask.)

Off the bat, we want you to mould your leadership around the stuff you like, are good at and want to improve. The most important thing to us is that you’re happy, so if you hate sleeping outside, wild camps might not be for you. If you’d like to develop your hosting skills, maybe organising YesStories and Little Cup of Adventure meet-ups are the way to go.

The heart of our mission at the YesTribe is to organise accessible, simple opportunities for people to gather, learn, feel supported and uplifted, and as a result become braver, more confident and hopefully, increasingly adventurous in spirit! Not to mention more useful. It’s nice to be useful.

We’ve written a series of short guides to help you navigate all the bits and bobs you’re likely to encounter as a tribe leader. If at any time you don’t find what you’re looking for in these guides, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask, either on the SayYesMore Team 2020 group on Facebook, or directly to the appropriate person on the team (see below).

Talking is good

Likewise, in the spirit of communication, we know that this isn’t all easy. Sometimes life throws a curveball which means you can’t carry out your role on the team - if only for a while - and if this happens please don’t hide away, let us know so we can take the weight off your shoulders and find someone else to help out.

We can’t stress how important this bit is: if you don’t tell us what’s going on, or eagerly overcommit to YesStuff but can’t follow through, then it’ll only stress you out more that you’re not doing what you said you would. Just know that we don’t mind as long as you keep us posted. Life happens, and we want to be able to support you as best we can.

Event Basics

  1. Create Event within your regional tribe

  2. Ensure event name, location, time and description are correct and clear

  3. Copy event URL and paste into the pinned events tab on SYM Team 2020 Facebook group

  4. To share event to main or other regional tribe group, paste event url and then once the link has loaded (the image and title appears as a link at the bottom of the post) delete the url

  5. Write a nice, encouraging description

  6. Bingo! Build it, and they will come (and if they don't at first, don’t give up)

Knowing your stuff

Start your life as a Tribe Leader by reading our guides. Some of them will be super common sense, others might be confusing until you start putting the suggestions into practice.

Remember, practice makes perfect and by doing a little bit every day we reckon there would rarely be more than a 15 minute daily commitment outside of events. Here’s a pep talk about being an all-round efficient, productive ninja.

The guides will help you set up gatherings from Wake Up Wild Camps to YesStories. They include guidance on all the Facebook bits like setting up new regional tribes, creating events, moderating groups and making the right decisions when approving new members and posts.

And there are regular reminders on consistency and style. Like how to give your events a title so they’re recognisably YesTribe, and when writing SayYesMore and the YesTribe, remember that there are NO spaces and each word is capitalised.

Branding, baby! It might seem pedantic, but actually people trust the YesTribe to run events and if they’re not sure that an event is run by the tribe, they may not come.

We’ve also created a Canva Guide so your designs for Facebook covers and other graphics look awesome. We’ve pre-designed templates so all you need to do is copy/paste most of the time - it’s important to us that everything on YesTribe pages and events looks awesome. We all put in too much care to accept anything less :)

Does someone need a hug?

Now and then your Facebook group might pose a problem, like an aggressive post on an annoying troll. Luckily this doesn’t happen very often, but we’ve got some ideas on how to diffuse the difficult stuff, and remember, we’re here if you experience any difficulties.

You’ve found your tribe

Ultimately, being on Team Yes should be a bonus to the life you’re already living, so keep us posted on how you’re doing, let us know how we can help, try not to be anxious about delivering - we’re just really glad you’re part of the team and, just in case you’ve forgotten, we’ve asked you to join the team because we believe in you. You can do this, and soon you’ll see that just because you decided to join this movement other people start benefitting, too.

Let’s make a difference. Good luck, work hard (within reason) and go bring people together. Thanks for joining us in making this world a better place, one tribe at a time.

Big hugs,


Contact List

Dave - Crazy Ideas, Sponsorships, Partnerships

Emms - YesBus

Rosie - General Admin

Andy - YesStories and Accounts

Jen Parker - Social Media

Team List

Dave Cornthwaite

Emma Cornthwaite - Tribe Leading

Andy Bartlett -

Rosie Tugwell - Events

List of top recommendations for regional tribes/ event leaders - content after events, at least team shot, event list pinned to top of tribe (video), tag people,

Guide - Leading a Tribe

From beginning of the year regular (at least monthly) leader sit-downs to make plans

Events - the heartbeat of the tribe. Set dates as far in advance. Share to SYM calendars. Promote. Add to top post on group.

Record event details on spresheet > link to googledrive

When you need help don’t worry about asking for help. It doesn’t give the impression that you’re struggling, just growing. People can’t step up if they don’t know you need support.


Liaise with content, social and newsletter to share content from your region

Team Summits

Please try to come along!

Leaders Abroad!
At the very least for the time being we'll be bringing together each training session in note form, and will likely live stream parts of the weekend. Watch this space. Our resources are limited but we'll do everything we can :)

Welcome post at the top of the group

Stay in touch with the SayYesMore team. We want to know about your events so we can promote them, and if you want to change any details about your group we should be in the loop, too!