Alternative Title: How to Do Good Stuff Without Taking Much Time

A task that should take ten minutes could take an hour.

If you check your email every ten minutes, stop it.

If you keep looking at Facebook hoping for new updates, don’t.

Instead, set aside one or two times each day to do the things you really need to do.

When you’re working (or resting, or sleeping, or anything really) TURN OFF notifications on your phone. Here’s a secret, unless you’re expecting an urgent message then emails, likes, shares, comments and WhatsApps will still be there when you next check in.

The key here is that it’s in your own time.

Sorry to be stern, this shit is important to me.

Even if you’re moderating a decent sized Facebook group, organising events, replying to messages and helping other folks out, you could do a really good basic job as a tribe leader in just 15 minutes each day.

If that fifteen minutes is in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening, then so be it.

Time is wasted (and stress accumulates) when simple tasks are spread across the day.

It takes time to refocus the mind in between tasks, so cut down the refocusing time and you’ll suddenly have more time and energy.

Other ideas, which aren’t specifically for Tribe Leading but help with general day-to-day self organisation.

Have a good file structure on your computer

Sort out photos and film on your phone. If you don’t, your phone will feel heavier and heavy stuff is tiring :)

Stressing and worrying wastes energy. Work well, stress less.

Think before saying (to yourself or others) “I don’t have the time.” Is this true, or just something you tell yourself?

And lastly, for now, give yourself a way to enjoy your work. Take pleasure in the lack of time you have to spend to do a good job.

Those post and member approvals aren’t urgent. Share the duties out with other tribe leaders. Outsource your weaknesses.

You’re awesome. Give yourself the time to enjoy the glow :)