Promote events beforehand
Share pic and bravos after events
Cool stories, blogs, podcasts
Invite people to join tribe,
pimp local tribes
Make sure all members of team are followed by theyestribe and theyesbus
Facebook Group
One post per week allowing people to share their charity posts in the comments
So, if you have time to think about social media, our key aim is naturally to grow the channels and encourage an engaged audience.
There is so much content coming in from the YesTribe that developing an easy shared content workflow means we'll not struggle to share about events and stories.
We've had a few people come in and run the channel for a couple of months before leaving, and I'd definitely like more consistency. In between I end up running the social and it often slips because I've got other stuff on.
I'm really up for anything as long as the channels don't go too long without updates. Am very excited about the potential now we're naturally hosting hundreds of gatherings a year.