Developing a group culture…

Takes work, time, dedication and spirit.

Think about how you want people to feel when they visit your regional group and provide a habitat that makes them want to come back.

Offer value, support, encouragement, lightbulb-moments and security.

As always, knowing what you want to achieve means avoiding the bits that get in the way. Be firm with your group rules, pounce on negativity and stamp it out, gently. No swearing, anger, politics or raised voices. They leave a scar.

Instead, let people be kind and thankful. Give opportunities for your tribe members to have a voice, get involved and say bravo to others who have helped them.

Remember, most people’s first taste of the YesTribe will be through an online group, and we need our online platforms to be just as welcoming, friendly and supportive as real-life meet-ups.

Ideas: let your group culture flourish

5 Minutes of High Fives

Every day spend just five minutes (maybe on a commute or before you’re ready to put your phone down) dropping nice comments, support and praise on your group. Even a little ‘This is cool’ will make people feel warm inside.

End of Month Appreciation Posts

Open up a post and invite people to comment, thanking and tagging someone on the YesTribe who has had a big impact and saying why. (This might just incentivise everyone to be a little more giving?)

Ask questions

Let your tribe know they’re being heard. Ask questions and then do something with the answer. Act on requests, or bring poll results into a graph.`


Welcome Posts

Each week, post a welcome to all new members. Share something that is going on, an upcoming event, remind them that they’re free to post in the group and connect with others

Link Ups

Try connecting people with similar interests by tagging them in comments or posts. If someone asks a question and you know someone else who might help, tag them.