Approving new members

Approving new members to join the YesTribe is the first step towards protecting the culture of the group.

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If you find yourself in a position to approve members into the YesTribe, make sure you’re aware of the group rules.

Most people who request to join a YesTribe are legitimate. To join people are asked two questions - ‘How did you hear about the YesTribe?’ and ‘Do you agree to the Group Rules’

An answer for the first one is not required for approval, but if people do offer an interesting answer we’d like to see it. Screenshot the profile and save it to this Google Drive folder.

Naturally, we need agreement that they’ll stick to the group rules if approved.

We like this

We like this

And this

And this


Now and then naughty people try to join the group. There are a few simple tips to spotting a fake or bad-meaning profile. Any profiles set-up in the last few months should be a red flag (I mean, who has only been on Facebook for a few months?!).

If it’s a fairly new profile AND they already have a lot of friends/ are members of lots of groups, the maths doesn’t make sense. Also, look to see whether they have any friends already in the group, if they do it’s a good indicator that they’re real humans.

This person seems legit, let ‘em in

This person seems legit, let ‘em in

This seems dodgy, decline!

This seems dodgy, decline!


Make sure that the profile you’re approving has a profile image and a REAL name. No pages, blank profiles or obviously fake names allowed. The YesTribe’s online forums are for discussion and it’s much easier to have a discussion with a real person, so use your judgement when approving new members.

If you’re just not sure, leave the profile in ‘member requests’ and highlight the request to a member of the core team to make a final decision.