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YesTribe Weekly: Wonderfully Wild


YesTribe Weekly: Wonderfully Wild

I often think I should keep my silly side a little on the down-low when in the company of others such as, you know, 13’000 people on social media...but it seems I have nothing to fear, going by some of the things I see shared among this group!

We had a marvellous moment this week of watching one of our members attempt to get into her hammock…and fail several times. It even made the news! Shameless, full of joy, and completely relentless – Geraldine and her hammock brought a lot of laughs for sure!

We also had someone share their ‘culinary adventure’ of peanut butter and quiche on toast…yes, you did read that right! Now I’m not sure if Jen meant her breakfast to be so silly, in fact she took it quite seriously! However, the reactions which ensued were again of laughter.

The elephant in the room

This week we had a very random request within the group; “Does anyone own an elephant costume I can borrow?!”

Who would have an elephant costume?! Well, it may have been a random request , but the lovely Esther explained that she plans to do a 100-mile walk to raise money for elephants in Thailand...dressed as an elephant! She’s definitely one of us!

Being the helpful souls that you are, the tribe stepped up with suggestions of how to make your own elephant costume. Why on earth you lot have got the knowledge, and possible experience, of dressing up as an elephant I don’t know…but my god did it make me feel at home amongst you! There was even someone who offered up their flamingo costume or zebra suit – definitely a costume enthusiast! My conclusion? You’re all as wild as each other!! Or should I say WE are all as wild as each other.

I like to dress up too sometimes, no judgement right?

I like to dress up too sometimes, no judgement right?

Our kind of crazy

In reference to the elephant costume request, one member wrote this week;

 “One of the many things I love about this group is not only do people think doing stuff like this is totally normal…there's usually more than one person who has already done something similar.”

This couldn’t be closer to the truth. Although I’m not sure many, if any, found Jen’s quiche and peanut butter on toast normal…! You never know, some of you may even be trying out this new breakfast idea!

The truth is; being that little bit wild is normal – I truly believe that everyone has their own secret wild side and although we love to share ours with each other, others may feel more comfortable keeping it behind closed doors (dancing in front of the mirror for example...not me of course!).

So, when you enter a room of people you may feel like keeping cool calm and collected, but always know that when you enter our room full of ‘yes’ people, you have nothing to hide - we’re all a little crazy here.
